Events & Holidays

Planning Your Holiday Menu Right

December 17, 2015
Planning Your Holiday Menu Right

It can be tough to plan and execute a party, but with a little know-how, ingenuity, planning and effort, anything can be accomplished.

At Cutting Boards USA we want you to experience the holidays stress-free. With that said, here are a few tips from the pros to keep you on top this holiday season:

  1. Think beyond ingredients

Locate and set aside all the needed cutlery, cookware and serving ware you will need to host your next family dinner. Don’t be afraid to get these organized ahead of time. This could help you to avoid any last minute outing for extra forks, another salad bowl and wine glasses!

  1. Cook with variation

Think of including a wide variety of textures, colors, and flavors to your holiday dinner.  Don’t be afraid to step outside of the ‘traditional’ realm of food, as long as it’s something you are comfortable with. Opt for foods served warm, some cold, some smooth some crunchy. Variety is always a winner.

  1. Stick to what you know

It’s not always the best idea to try cooking something new when you’re cooking for dozens of folks. You may want to try serving a daring side or cocktail, however when it comes to the main course, you are best to prepare ingredients you’ve cooked successfully in the past.

  1. Do consider calories!

We all know what it’s like to experience a turkey hang-over. Fatty food after fatty food does more than max out our calorie intake; it also makes us feel sluggish or even nauseous. Raw fruit and veggies sliced and served on a beautiful walnut cutting board is a great option to cut back on calories.

  1. Serve drink that can be made in large quantities

Unless you’re planning on having Uncle Larry become the bartender for the evening, opt for drinks made in large quantities. Some you could even make ahead of time, such as eggnog (a must!) and punch. Always remember to include drinks that are both alcoholic and non-alcoholic.

Now tie on that apron and get cooking! Happy holidays from Cutting Board USA! We hope all of your meal plans are successful, beautiful, and stress-free!

Wood Cutting Boards, your homegrown source for cutting boards and natural wood products.

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