Events & Holidays

Perfect Hosts And Perfect Guests With A Sweet Tooth

December 18, 2014
wood cutting board xmas fudge


Now is the time of the year where we have the chance to visit loved ones, family, and friends. We all get merry and have a good time. No matter if it is a dinner at a friend’s or a colleague’s place, or a family party at one of your relatives, being a good guest implies that you will bring a little something to your host to thank him or her for its hospitality.

The Perfect Host

Obviously, we all know that perfect host who has everything ready, perfectly, on time for Christmas dinner. The house is decorated perfectly and with good taste, and the food smells awesome even before you have walked in. To make sure to get the right present to show your host how appreciative you are of all the efforts and work that have been put in the dinner you’re invited to, don’t miss these tips:

Dos and Don’ts

In a nutshell, a hostess gift is meant to show appreciation and thankfulness. You want to give something useful or that might come in handy either during that occasion or on another one. Or you may offer something so the hostess can spoil herself and take some me time to relax on another occasion once the party is over. It has to be versatile enough so it doesn’t have to be used right away.

For example, forget about picking up flowers on your way, which require attention immediately, getting a vase will take the attention of you host away from the other guests. Or don’t insist on having you host unwrap your gift in front of other guests or using it right away as it may put somebody into an uneasy position or clash with what your host has planned for the event.

A Suggestion of my Own

Personally, I really like to give and to receive homemade gifts. Here is that fudge recipe that I use quite often and that everybody I know loves. Your host can serve it on a wood cutting board right away, or save it for later, since it can be kept almost a week in the fridge. And who doesn’t like fudge?

You will need:

  • 1 candy cane
  • 1 tbsp. butter
  • 1 can (300 ml) sweetened condensed milk
  • 1 bag of 350g of semi-sweet chocolate chips (or dark chocolate)
  1. With a kitchen mortar and pestle, crush the candy cane in small bits, but not to fine! You don’t want candy cane dust! Set aside.

  2. Grease a shallow 4” x 8” tin (I have old ones that I inherited from my grandmother that are to be used only for that), or a small pie plate. I prefer something square or rectangular shaped. You want the mixture to cover about 1 inch of the bottom of whatever pan you’re using , so you can cut it in squares once it is set.

  3. In a large (4 cups) glass measuring cup, pour the condensed milk and the chocolate chips.

  4. Put in the microwave at high for 3 minutes. Don’t put it any longer, the chocolate will burn!

  5. With a whisk, quickly blend everything together vigorously. Then, immediately transfer the mixture into your greasing mold,

  6. Sprinkle your crushed candy cane on top of it and put it in the fridge to set.

  7. Once it is set, cut it in bite-size squares.

I like wrapping everything in wax paper before bringing it somewhere. You can also dust cocoa powder on your mixture before you put it in the fridge, or switch the candy cane for walnuts. Be creative and enjoy! 

All of us from Cutting Boards USA wish you Happy Holidays!


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