Tips & Lifestyle

Growing your Vegetables at Home

November 09, 2017
growing produce, planting vegetables, kitchen garden, wood cutting boards

Although growing your own vegetables sounds like it could be its own job, it isn’t as hard as you may think. It requires only basic knowledge of gardening and a couple trial and errors to get the hang of it. Growing your own vegetables from home is not only cost efficient, but also helps you stay aware of where your produce has been, as well as which chemicals have touched them. While organic vegetables sound best, some companies still use pesticides to keep away pests and other chemicals to better the vegetables overall appearance and size. In this article, we will show you just how easy it can be to start growing your own vegetables at home.

Where to Put it

A great way to start off would be choosing the right area to set up your little garden. An area that gets both sun and shade, with a temperature of around 70oF, is the preferable place to start an indoor vegetable garden. Whenever you grab your specially engraved cutting board to prepare a meal, keep the little ends you usually cut off and compost or throw out. With these little pieces, you now have the seeds to start your new garden.

What Vegetables to Choose

Great herbs and vegetables to grow indoors would include:

Green Beans

High in fiber, they provide vitamins A and C, as well as folic acid.


A great source of vitamin C and K, as well as a good source of iron and potassium.


Provides a good amount of copper, magnesium and potassium, as well as some fiber and calcium.


A good source of vitamins C, as well as copper, potassium and magnesium.


Contains disease-fighting antioxidants, as well, it can act like an anti-inflammatory.


Not only reduces depression and menstrual cramps, it can also be used as a natural bug repellent.


Possesses a good source of antioxidants, vitamins and essential oils.


While helping fight kidney stones, UTIs and gallbladder infections, it also provides an essential oil known to fight cancer.


Great at fighting diarrhea, stomach aches, whooping cough and arthritis.


Perfect source of vitamins A, C and K, as well as fiber, protein and iron.

With a bit of time and sunlight, growing your own produce can be as easy as thinking of all the recipes you could make. Remember next time you’re using your cutting board that you can replant your scraps as opposed to composting or throwing them out. If you don’t have your own engraved cutting board, make sure to choose your favorite model and engraving on our website and order yours today!

Wood Cutting Boards, your homegrown source for cutting boards and natural wood products.

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