Tips & Lifestyle

Food Apps—What’s Cooking in the Techno-Kitchen?

September 19, 2013
Food Apps—What’s Cooking in the Techno-Kitchen?

It seems that technology has no limits. For some it is a welcome addition to daily life that offers us added power for scheduling, researching and planning our activities and choices. With so much instant access to the internet through mobile devices, it’s no wonder that we are seeing an ever-increasing number of people using these devices in-store while shopping or at home for planning purposes. So put your wooden cutting boards down, and let’s take a look what’s cooking in the techno-kitchen.

What’s An App?

If you’re unfamiliar with Apps (short for application) they are small programs that you can download for free, or a small charge, onto your mobile device. They allow you to perform a huge array of tasks with your device. There are apps for everything from finding and calling a taxi to ordering pizzas. If you’re one of the die-hards holding out from jumping on the techno-wagon, consider the variety of benefits that come with the countless Apps available on mobile devices today.

What’s in Your Fridge?

Maybe you have one of those fridges that just needs to be tipped over and started fresh...or maybe you lose track of what’s in there and what’s not. And best before dates and nutritional info...so many things to consider! There are several Apps developed that allow you to perform a variety of tasks related to your refrigerator and its contents.


Health & Nutritional Apps

Health and nutrition is important to every person, but especially if you have a special diet or restrictions. Weeding through the copious amounts of information can quickly become overwhelming. There are several Apps out there that basically do this for you and allow you to find exactly what you need easily.


Recipes and Meal Planning

Need we say more? Aside from the billions of amazing recipes you can browse online, there are Apps that bring them straight to your phone or tablet.

Grocery Shopping Apps

Shopping can be a joy for some people, and a daunting and dreaded task for others. Check out some of these neat apps that help make grocery shopping an quick, informed and streamlined experience.


All this being said, there is something to be said for doing things the old-fashioned way. Planning our meals, shopping and multi-tasking have been the norm for many generations, and learning theses skills are essential for creating the skill-set that people need to manage their time and life. So, like many things; take it with a grain of salt and don’t throw out your cutting boards just yet!

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