Tips & Lifestyle

Did Your Call it Quits on New Year’s Resolution to Lose Weight?

March 23, 2015
eating more fruits and veggies

Let’s face it: New Year’s resolutions are often abandoned. According to the U.S. government, losing weight is on top of the list. Many of us, me included, will stick to it for a few weeks and then get back in their old habits. Trying to lose weight by sticking to a severe diet is not a goal easy to achieve. However, changing this resolution for trying to eat healthier and be more active is much easier to achieve. 

Think Healthy, Not Skinny

Most of North American women do not have the bone structure to be a size 0. It is unrealistic and unhealthy to set such a goal, no matter how T.V. and magazines claim it can be done with all kinds of new diets and miracle pills all the time. On top of it, being sad and frustrated from restraining all the time greatly affects anybody’s wellbeing.  I’m not saying anything new here, however, changing slowly to healthier habits can make you a happier and better looking person.

Get Your Wood Cutting Boards Out of the Cupboard!

Making better food choices implies eating more fruits and veggies. You can try refining your cooking skills by trying your hand at new food cuts as mentioned in last month’s article. If the food in your plate looks good, you’ll be more tempted. The good thing about fruits and veggies is that you can eat pretty much as much as you want (especially when they’re raw). A simple way to switch to healthier eating habit is to eat more of those, or to swap some food for vegan alternative. For example, try spreading avocado in your sandwiches instead of salad dressing or mayonnaise. Or, put slices of cheese on apple slices instead of on crackers as a snack.

Ok, not everything can be raw. Sometimes a warm meal can be very comforting. In that case, roasting veggies instead of frying them is always a sensible solution. Making your own pizza is also a better choice.

Eating all the vegetables in your plate before touching anything else, having vegan Mondays (or whatever day of the week), eating more whole grains and going for less transformed or processed foods is sure putting you on the right track.  This means quite a bit of food prep. Have a few cutting boards (and well sharpened knives) handy, they’ll be put to good use!

Be Happy!

After a while of making better food choices, you’ll feel energized and radiant. Move! Have fun! Go outside to walk the dog, try a new sport, and enjoy the outdoors with your friends!

It is much better than feeling depressed from constantly holding back from the food we love and not having enough energy to hang out with friends.

Give us a call or email us at Cutting Boards USA to get the perfect wood cutting board to help you preparing your snacks before your next outings!

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