Cooking & Recipes

Cutting Board University---Chopping 101

May 07, 2013
Cutting Board University---Chopping 101


Want to wow your dinner guests? Want to get ready for all those veggies coming up with summertime? Or maybe you just don't want to hack off your precious little fingers! For many kitchen-goers, chopping is listed as one of the most hated tasks. Repetitive, boring, and tearful at times, chopping doesn't have to be such a chore.
We decided to enlist the help of some savvy knife wielding professionals, and get the scoop on how to chop, dice, and mince with style and savvy. Here’s the 1-2-3's of the basic slice.
1. Start with sharp knives and a solid wooden cutting board. Generally a large chef's knife is best suited for chopping. Wooden cutting boards are solid, and will provide you with a great surface without damaging your knives. Dull knives are the number one reason for getting cut while cooking!
2. Technique. Okay this is number one. If you want to chop at ninety miles an hour, then you’d better get your technique down beforehand, or before losing a hand. Make sure that you have a firm hold on your veggies, and keep your fingers slightly curved in. The ends of your fingers should be turned under and pointing AWAY from the knife blade, which will rest against your knuckles. This means that your hand is a bit claw-shaped, and your fingernails are on the veggie. This position, although awkward at first, ensures you don't lop off a nail or finger, slice into your flesh...or bone.
3. Cutting edge. Alright, now that you've mastered the hold, it’s time to get slicing. Rest the point of the knife on your wooden cutting board. Lift the handle of the knife up using a rotating motion. Keep the tip resting on the board the whole time. Bring the knife down and through the veggie. By having your hand in the position described above, you can use your knuckles as a guide for the knife blade. Start out slow, and go for consistent sized slices. As you slice, you can gradually slide your hand along the vegetable until you've chopped it to bits.
4. Speed. Okay, speed is impressive, wows the onlookers, and really is just downright satisfying as you hammer through ten pounds of carrots. They key to speed is starting out slow, using the simple technique above, and gradually increasing your speed as you go. Keep a rhythm, and remember your whole body is involved, so keep the time with both of your hands, stand firmly and comfortably, and try a glass of pinot noir to keep things balanced nicely.
We hope this helps, and that you've enjoyed it! Come back for more cooking tips, recipes, and other interesting foodie topics! Cutting Board USA loves to cook.
Good website to look at:
Wood Cutting Boards, your homegrown source for cutting boards and natural wood products.

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