Tips & Lifestyle

Be happy and healthy thanks to hemp

July 30, 2012
Be happy and healthy thanks to hemp

On a recent trip to the grocery store, I came across a product I had never heard before: shelled hemp seeds. By reading the back of the packaging, I was surprised by the long list of health benefits that can be generated thanks to these tiny little seeds.

The benefits of hemp seeds

It is astounding to discover the punch of vitamins and energy these little seeds pack. They have been used all over the world to benefit weight loss, reduce blood pressure and even treat depression.

Healthy heart
Many heart diseases can be avoided if they are treated early. When it comes to treating the heart, hemp reduces the inflammation of the blood vessels and improves the overall circulation of the body. The seeds are often used by elderly people who have high cholesterol as well as other health problems.

Improved digestion
We all the processed foods we eat every day, and the meat we prepare on our cutting boards, it’s no wonder that or digestive systems don’t always function as they should. Hemp seeds are easy to digest and they can give a jump start to your digestive system. Even if hemp can be eaten alone, it is better to combine the seeds with other foods that are high in fiber in order to double the cleansing effect the seeds have on the body.

Weight loss
If you’ve tried time and time again to lose weight, you know how hard and frustrating it can be. You try to do everything right, you avoid carbs, you chop fruits and veggies on your cutting board, you exercise and yet, nothing seems to work... Well, hemp may be the solution to all your weight loss problems. By eating the recommended amount of 4 to 5 tablespoons of hemp per day, you might be able to get those pesky snack attacks under control. Hemp reduces cravings for sugary and starchy foods and they should keep your hunger pains down until mid afternoon.

Increased energy and lower cholesterol
Because of its energy inducing qualities, it is often recommended for elderly people to eat shelled hemp seeds on a regular basis. Hemp seeds are also beneficial for people who have high cholesterol. The seeds are rich with Omega 3 and 6 acids that can naturally reduce cholesterol levels in the body.

If you want to try shelled hemp seeds for yourself, you might be happy to know that you don’t have to eat the seeds by themselves. Because of their rich nutty flavor, hemp seeds can be added to a variety of foods without overpowering them. Add them to your favorite cereal or bake them into a muffin. There are endless ways to use hemp and with all the health benefits that these seeds provide, there is no reason why you should not add them to your diet today. 

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