Events & Holidays

America’s Favorite Celebrations—Pull-off a July 4th BBQ in Style

July 03, 2013
America’s Favorite Celebrations—Pull-off a July 4th BBQ in Style


July 4th celebrations are getting close, and keeping in step with America’s love of food, family and homeland why not throw an outdoor BBQ bash this year? Or maybe you have a long standing tradition of having a July 4th BBQ and are looking for some new tips and trips to wow the in-laws with. Either way, read on and discover our tips for pulling of a great Independence Day BBQ.


Cooking for a Crowd

If you’ve never cooked for a large group of people, take some time and get ready for it! It’s a bit different than cooking for smaller groups. Quantities mean longer cooking times, greater demand for good planning and great big bowls! Cook in batches, and consider cooking a few different foods that have varying cooking times. That way if you’re being surrounded by starving kids, you can flip them some hotdogs while the chicken breast and burgers continue to cook.


All-time American Favorite Foods

This would be critical to the success of your patriotic endeavour...its Independence Day, so make sure you choose some all-American dishes like potato salad, coleslaw, burgers, steak, and ribs. There are lots of great recipes online for all of those dishes so be sure to consult your computer if you’re missing recipes.  Looking for some new recipes? How about these:



Raise the Flag Desserts

Cupcakes are the perfect way to finish off a July 4th BBQ, load up your wooden cutting board with cupcakes decorated in red, white, and blue and top it off with some sparklers. You’ll wow the crowd and delight the kids with all those flashy sparks! Even better, bake a cake and decorate it like the American flag. Again, sparklers are really necessary to make this cake a show stopper!


Finish off with a Bang

Most cities and towns will be holding the traditional 4th of July Fireworks show. Find out when and where it takes place, the best place to view them, and any other details to get there safe and sound. Pack a jug of sweet tea, take a blanket and all of your friends and family. Or take it all in tailgate-party style. Nothing says America like a good ole’ pick-up truck.


Happy Fourth of July to all of our friends and family from Cutting Board USA!

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