Tips & Lifestyle

6 Steps to Creating an Ideal Brunch

August 04, 2017
6 Steps to Creating an Ideal Brunchs

Creating an ideal brunch is not often the easiest of things to do and for the most part, it entails taking up tedious tasks just so that it can turn out perfectly. And while some people may have the patience to see this through, for some it is not as easy as it would seem. However, with a little planning here and there, brunch can turn out to be a less hectic affair than most of us imagine. Here are some ideas that will help you host a brunch that is absolutely stress-free.

1. Prepare Everything That You Will Need the Night Before

At times you will find placing the plates, napkins; silverware and coffee mugs that will be used on the table help prevent scenarios whereby you forget to bring the items out from the kitchen on the material day.

2. Desist from Making Pancakes at all Costs

Since you’re looking at preparing things the night before to avoid issues of lateness, it is best to go with stuff like baked French toast which can be prepared the night before and popped in the oven.

3. Add Eggs

As we are all well aware, you cannot have brunch without eggs. As such it is fundamental to ensure you come up with a substantial egg dish that can be made the night before. These might include the strata, quiche, and the casserole among others.

4. Cook Your Bacon in the Oven

With bacon, unlike with other dishes, you cannot afford to prepare it a night before. However, you can take the few minutes before the guests arrive to prepare so that you do not have to do so when your guests are already seated and waiting to be served.

5. Keep the Event in Perspective and Make Arrangements

If you’re the one hosting, then it goes without saying that you will need to interact with your guests during the event. As such, it will be imperative for you to have made prior arrangements to ensure that as you chat away with your guests, there is someone on standby when it comes to the cocktail and coffee duty.

6. Set the Table

The final touch is bringing your table a brunch look! Install a tablecloth and put your cutlery there. Some decorations, like flowers, will add gaiety. You can even choose a theme! Above all, do not forget to add wooden cutting boards to cut the bread. Other cutting boards may be useful for creating beautiful presentations with your menu. Visit Wood Cutting Boards online shop to find custom cutting boards!

With the above tips and with some help, you will find that you and your guests will have the best brunch possible. 

Wood Cutting Boards, your homegrown source for cutting boards and natural wood products.

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