Tips & Lifestyle

5 Kitchen Organizing Tips

March 07, 2016
5 Kitchen Organizing Tips

Having an organized kitchen makes cooking far more enjoyable. It also allows you to get your cooking done in a timely fashion since you’re not constantly looking for something you’ve misplaced. See below for a list of five organization tips for your kitchen which also includes plenty of ideas on how you can maximize your storage space.

1. Drawer dividers

This is specifically perfect for those with minimal wall cabinets. It allows you to maximize the space you have as well as keep your cabinets and drawers organized. This is also a perfect place to store your wooden cutting board!

2. Waste bin and recycling

Does your waste bin and recycling take up a lot of space on your kitchen floor? How about incorporating them into one of your pull out shelves? This way they are out of view and organized to perfection.

3. Under the sink

If you’re thinking of renovating your kitchen, adding a sink tray is an ingenious idea to keep your sponges and your brushes organized under the sink. 

4. Animal space

Finding space to put your animal’s food and water is often difficult. Stepping in a puddle of water is a struggle known by all animal owners! Try incorporating their bowls into your kitchen cabinets.

5. Wine racks

Many wine collectors know the struggles involved with finding space to put their new bottles. Try looking around your kitchen for wasted cabinet and wall space and turn it into an organized wine collection.

With spring cleaning approaching, it’s the ideal time to come up with an organization plan for your kitchen. Whether it’s finding a way to store more in a small space or just simply making your kitchen look better, these five tips are sure to provide you with some great ideas!

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