Tips & Lifestyle

10 Tips to Make the Perfect Pumpkin Pie

October 14, 2015
10 Tips to Make the Perfect Pumpkin Pie

When many of us think about the fall season, we often start to think of large family gatherings around the dinner table. A traditional desert served to warm everyone’s appetite as the cold weather makes its appearance, is the delicious pumpkin pie. Topped with fresh whipped cream and a sprinkle of nutmeg, a slice of a good pumpkin pie tastes like heaven.

Here are 10 tips to consider in order to make your pie the family’s next conversation piece:

Ten Tips for the Perfect Pumpkin Pie

1. Pre-bake your crust.

This may seem like a strange thing to do, but by pre-baking your crust for only a few minutes in the oven, it will keep it from being soggy when it comes time to cook the filling.

2. Don’t skip the egg wash.

In order to get your crust that golden brown color; apply an egg wash to your crust before popping it into the oven. Whisk the eggs with a pinch of salt and then brush it onto the crust.

3. Make your crust from scratch.

There is nothing more delicious than something that is homemade. The same goes for a piecrust. Make it yourself and it will be delicious and you will be proud of it! Learn how to make a great pie crust from scratch by clicking here.

4. Use fresh nutmeg.

While you may want to use a pumpkin spice blend, a great way to add some extra zing to you pie is by adding freshly ground nutmeg. Add fresh nutmeg to the filling and sprinkle the grated spice on a dollop of whipped cream before serving.

5. Make sure to preheat the oven.

If you want your pie to be evenly cooked, the pie needs to enter the oven at the recommended temperature.

6. Skip the canned stuff.

Fresh is always best. Make your own pumpkin puree by slicing a small pumpkin in half and roast it in the oven, or microwave if its small enough and you are pressed for time! Once the pumpkin is cool take your peeler to the skin or scoop the soft flesh into a bowl to make your filling.

7. Strain your filling.

For a nice creamy pumpkin pie, strain the filling before pouring it in the pie crust.

8. Use half brown and half white sugar.

By mixing equal parts of white and brown sugar, you your pie takes a rich new flavor.

9. Use real whipped cream.

Why put a powder based whipped cream on top of a homemade pumpkin pie? Use the real stuff! You might pay an extra dollar or two, but you are sure that it will add another dimension of flavor!

10. Forget the pumpkin.

What? Yes you read right! Throw your guests off by replacing part of your pumpkin pie filling with butternut squash or sweet potato. Switch things around and turn up the wow factor.

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