Tips & Lifestyle

10 Kitchen Commandments

March 24, 2014
Cutting Board For Garlic

When it comes to cooking, traditions are getting lost along the way. With technologies and transformed products easily available, more and more people rely on instant meals and restaurants and are at loss when it comes to prepare anything that requires more than boiling water.

We have listed 10 tips below that should make your life in the kitchen easier and your meals tastier.

1. How Tongs Can Keep You Out of Trouble

When you’re cooking food in a pan and need to flip it, set it aside or serve it, forks and spatulas can sometimes feel awkward to use. Forks can scratch your non-stick pans and spatulas can be unwise to use, driving your food to jump on the floor. Try tongs, or nylon-coated ones for anti-adhesive cookware.

2. Warning: You’re Losing Money By Not Using Tupperware

Keep it fresh! Tupperware is an eco-friendly choice that will keep pretty much anything fresher than your fridge’s crisper drawer, especially berries, fresh cut herbs or salad greens.

3. No garlic-press needed

You don’t have to own one of those garlic-pressing-widgets. Simply put your garlic clove on a small cutting board, and crush it by using the flat side of a chef’s knife. Then the skin will easily come off so you can chop it.

4. However, Use A Separate Cutting Board For Garlic And Onions

Garlic and onions have a stronger smell. If you don’t want it to transfer to other food you’re cooking use a separate wood cutting board for them. Do not forget to look at our selection for any of your cutting board needs!

5. Shallots or leek to replace onions

Talking about flavoring, milder onions will find their place in most everyday cooking, enhancing your dishes flavors in a more refined way. Big and strong yellow onions are the best when it comes to soups and roasts, while a subtle onion flavor will improve most of your recipes.

6. Fresh Herb Will Change Your Life

Maybe dried oregano is an exception, but otherwise, fresh herbs are always better. They are easily available and cheap in most grocery stores.  Fresh basil, parsley, cilantro, thyme or chives should be at hand at all times, since they are the ones that will enhance any dish you’re serving in a snap. If you go for dry version, results are never as tastier and the jar usually goes bad before you can use it twice.

7. No pre-filled spice-racks

As we just said, dry herbs and spices lose their flavor quickly. It is best to buy them in small quantities, as needed.

8. Salt, vinegar, olive oil

Apparently salt is bad for us. The real problem is rather too much salt. Unsalted food can be tasteless and boring. Any acid such as vinegar or lemon juice can give a kick to many foods too. If it is too sticky or too dry, olive oil can improve the texture. These 3 tricks can fix almost any flavor flaws.

9. Overcooking = biggest mistake

Cooking is an art that requires mastery. Unfortunately, uncooking is not something that can be done. Thus, it is mandatory to learn to take food away from the heat right before it is ready, so it finishes cooking by its internal temperature.

10. Fruit other than berries do not belong to the fridge

Unless you live in a very hot climate or there is a heat wave, peppers, tomatoes or avocados, for example, should not be refrigerated. Refrigerators downgrade the taste of most victuals, so unless it absolutely necessary for something to go in there, leave it out.

We hope these few tips will make it easier for you next time you experiment a new recipe! 

Wood Cutting Boards, your homegrown source for cutting boards and natural wood products.

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